2025 Columbus Smart 50 Awards
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Nomination Deadline: Friday, May 16th
Who are the executives leading the smartest 50 organizations in Central Ohio? Since 2014, The Smart 50 Awards, presented by Hylant will recognize the top executives of the smartest companies in the region for their ability to effectively build and lead savvy organizations.
All 50 winners will be honored as the Class of 2025 at a special celebration in August. All honorees will be asked to attend a special judging session in July to be interviewed by the judges and make their best pitch for one of three specialty awards that will be awarded for outstanding innovation, impact, and sustainability.
Eligible Smart 50 nominees must be a top executive of an organization with a physical office in the Central Ohio region. Specialty award winners will be recognized for Innovation, Impact and Sustainability.
Complete all the information on the nomination form.
SECTION ONE: Provide basic contact information about the person who begins the nomination process. This individual will likely represent the nominated company or individual or be familiar with its operations.
SECTION TWO: Provide basic information about the person being nominated, including company size and industry.
SECTION THREE: Explain why your Nominee should be recognized with a Smart 50 award. Provide a brief description that includes the "what," "how," and "why" to support the nomination. Essays can be as short as a single paragraph or as long as necessary to fully explain to the judges the merit of your Nominee. Please keep in mind that the more specific detail provided to the judges, the greater the opportunity your Nominee will have to be recognized. Be sure to designate in which category (or categories) you would like the Nominee to be considered for the specialty award.
For more information, please contact Lisa Dore at ldore@sbnonline.com or (440) 250-7050.